Chump Change for Big Change

Chump Change for Big Change

What is Chump Change?

Chump Change gives fintech companies an API that allows them to collect their customer’s “chump change” through a consented collection point. These changes are then directed to qualified orphanages and allow them to continue their mission of providing housing for children across the world.

Who is involved?


Corporations approach Chump Change with the goal of making an impact. We verify their identity and then direct them to our API, which they can implement into their applications. The customers will then have the option to donate as little as $1 per month on a monthly basis.


Charities that work to house young orphans get verified on our platform and are then connected to the Chump Change collection point. The charities will share the impact of these donations on our website and keep the all participants informed.


Ordinary people who want to contribute to a change, come to our platform to distribute the resources and money provided by the charities and donors. They'll be working on projects at a time, all supervised by the other parties. Anyone can be a volunteer at Chump Change!

Why Work With Us

Easy sign ups

Filling a quick form gets you one step closer to making that change.


All members of Chump Change go through strict verifications to prevent fraud and scams.


All transactions and deals are visible on the platform, there are secrets here.


See every change you've contributed to and show the world too.

Want to give your corporation a change to contribute?

Join the list of responsible corporations, ready to help those in need.

Are you a charity looking for support?

Take a look at our verified donors and approach the ones that can help your cause.